6200 Gisholt Rd. Suite 100 Monona, WI 53713

Retirement Planning

Knowing that you have a well-thought-out plan in place can alleviate stress and anxiety about the future, allowing you to enjoy your retirement years to the fullest. We work with clients to evaluate and plan for you retirement in a way that enables them to maintain your lifestyle, protect against inflation, strategically manage income for tax advantages and sooth the anxiety that often comes with entering a new phase of life.



Investment Planning

Effective investment planning allows you to grow your retirement savings over time. A diversified portfolio creates the  potential to generate higher returns than you would through traditional savings accounts or solely through fixed-income investments.

All of our Investment Advisors are fiduciaries, meaning we take additional care and diligence in the creation and management of your investments.  Our team has the experience and expertise to help guide investment planning at various economic levels. We tailor your portfolio to meet your unique goals and objectives and manage and adjust them regularly to reflect market changes.

We use tools to help determine risk tolerance, time horizon, financial needs and behavioral preferences into consideration when building, managing, and monitoring your asses.

Investment planning aims to achieve financial independence in retirement, where your investment income and other sources of income to cover your living expenses without the need to rely on employment. This provides you with greater freedom and flexibility to pursue your interests and enjoy your retirement years on your own terms.

Income Planning

As you’re learning how to retire, being aware of your average monthly spending is the first step in evaluating what kind of income you’ll need. A well prepared retirement plan contains income from a variety of categories like fixed indexed annuities, social security, investments amongst others.

Fixed Index Annuities (FIAs) are a tool we use that creates a permanent income bucket, protecting your funds from market downturns. This feature provides a level of safety and stability, especially for retirees concerned about preserving their savings. While providing principal protection, FIAs also offer the opportunity for potential growth linked to the performance of an underlying market index, such as the S&P 500. This allows our clients to participate in market gains while avoiding market losses.

Earnings in FIAs grow tax-deferred until withdrawn. This can help maximize growth potential over time, as taxes on gains are postponed until distributions are taken. For retirees in higher tax brackets, tax deferral can be a significant advantage. FIAs can be structured to provide a guaranteed income stream for life, helping to address longevity risk. This can provide retirees with a reliable source of income to supplement other retirement savings, such as pensions and Social Security. FIAs often include a death benefit feature, which guarantees that a beneficiary will receive the remainder of the original contribution amount, regardless of market performance. This can provide peace of mind for retirees concerned about leaving a financial legacy for their heirs.




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